Past Honorary Members

Honorary Membership was limited to 10 from 1890-1900, and to 15 from 1901 onwards. Corresponding Membership was a lesser class of Honoris causa membership in the early years. A few honorary members, such as Barnard, were first made corresponding members for a short time before being recommissioned as honorary members.

Nation(s) Start Endsort ascending
Pickering, Mr. William Henry USA 1894 1938
Williams, Mr. Arthur Stanley United Kingdom 1909 1938
Frost, Prof. Edwin Brant USA 1906 1935
Espin, Rev. Thomas Espinell United Kingdom 1894 1934
Baillaud, Dr. Édouard Benjamin France 1916 1934
Wolfer, Prof. Alfred Switzerland 1904 1931
Denning, Mr. William F. United Kingdom 1891 1931
Turner, Prof. Herbert Hall United Kingdom 1916 1930
Harrison, Mr. Henry USA 1913 1929
Maunder, Mr. Edward Walter United Kingdom 1894 1928
