Past Honorary Members

Honorary Membership was limited to 10 from 1890-1900, and to 15 from 1901 onwards. Corresponding Membership was a lesser class of Honoris causa membership in the early years. A few honorary members, such as Barnard, were first made corresponding members for a short time before being recommissioned as honorary members.

Nation(s) Startsort descending End
Russell, Rev. Norman H. Canada/India 1898 1902
Hale, Dr. George Ellery USA 1900 1938
Brashear, Dr. John A. USA 1901 1920
Loewy, M. Maurice France 1901 1907
Flammarion, M. Camille France 1901 1925
Barnard, Dr. Edward Emerson USA 1901 1923
Gonzalez de León, Sr. Luis Mexico 1903 1914
Swift, Dr. Lewis A. USA 1903 1913
Wolfer, Prof. Alfred Switzerland 1904 1931
Campbell, Prof. William Wallace USA 1905 1938
