1932 Eclipse #11

Gentleman siting with a transit. Note the young fellow gazing in a different direction, but he is a lot more comfortable on this hot summer day.

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1932 Eclipse #10

The lady on the right is using a transit scope.

RASC Hamilton Centre—1932 Eclipse
Scanned by Colin Haig
These slides are from the August 31st, 1932 solar eclipse expedition in Acton Vale, Quebec. There was an 8mm film that somebody (no idea who) transferred key frames to 35mm slides. I am not sure when actually that transfer was done or when the slides were developed. I scanned these (2006-02-11 through 2006-04-06) using a NIKON Coolscan V ED at highest resolution.

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1932 Eclipse #09

Getting ready to uncover the scopes.

RASC Hamilton Centre—1932 Eclipse
Scanned by Colin Haig
These slides are from the August 31st, 1932 solar eclipse expedition in Acton Vale, Quebec. There was an 8mm film that somebody (no idea who) transferred key frames to 35mm slides. I am not sure when actually that transfer was done or when the slides were developed. I scanned these (2006-02-11 through 2006-04-06) using a NIKON Coolscan V ED at highest resolution.

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1932 Eclipse #08

The folks have set up in a field, with clocks, barometers, compass, telescopes, etc.

RASC Hamilton Centre—1932 Eclipse
Scanned by Colin Haig
These slides are from the August 31st, 1932 solar eclipse expedition in Acton Vale, Quebec. There was an 8mm film that somebody (no idea who) transferred key frames to 35mm slides. I am not sure when actually that transfer was done or when the slides were developed. I scanned these (2006-02-11 through 2006-04-06) using a NIKON Coolscan V ED at highest resolution.

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1932 Eclipse #07

The group from the Hamilton Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society headed by Dr. D.B. Marsh rehearse for action.

RASC Hamilton Centre—1932 Eclipse
Scanned by Colin Haig
These slides are from the August 31st, 1932 solar eclipse expedition in Acton Vale, Quebec. There was an 8mm film that somebody (no idea who) transferred key frames to 35mm slides. I am not sure when actually that transfer was done or when the slides were developed. I scanned these (2006-02-11 through 2006-04-06) using a NIKON Coolscan V ED at highest resolution.

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1932 Eclipse #06

Taken at Acton Vale, Quebec by W.G. Milne vice president and chief engineer, N.Slater Co. Limited Hamilton, Canada.

RASC Hamilton Centre—1932 Eclipse
Scanned by Colin Haig
These slides are from the August 31st, 1932 solar eclipse expedition in Acton Vale, Quebec. There was an 8mm film that somebody (no idea who) transferred key frames to 35mm slides. I am not sure when actually that transfer was done or when the slides were developed. I scanned these (2006-02-11 through 2006-04-06) using a NIKON Coolscan V ED at highest resolution.

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1932 Eclipse #05

Actual continuous motion pictures of phases and totality of the eclipse of the sun August 31st, 1932.

RASC Hamilton Centre—1932 Eclipse
Scanned by Colin Haig
These slides are from the August 31st, 1932 solar eclipse expedition in Acton Vale, Quebec. There was an 8mm film that somebody (no idea who) transferred key frames to 35mm slides. I am not sure when actually that transfer was done or when the slides were developed. I scanned these (2006-02-11 through 2006-04-06) using a NIKON Coolscan V ED at highest resolution.

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1932 Eclipse #04

Closeup of the clockwork drive mechanism. This photo was damaged and someone used white-out to try to fix it.

RASC Hamilton Centre—1932 Eclipse
Scanned by Colin Haig
These slides are from the August 31st, 1932 solar eclipse expedition in Acton Vale, Quebec. There was an 8mm film that somebody (no idea who) transferred key frames to 35mm slides. I am not sure when actually that transfer was done or when the slides were developed. I scanned these (2006-02-11 through 2006-04-06) using a NIKON Coolscan V ED at highest resolution.

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1932 Eclipse #03

This appears to be the Marsh refractor (largest instrument, or might be McMaster scope, one is a Brashear). Smaller one looks like the Bernier scope made by D.B. Marsh for Captain Bernier's northern expeditions. Not sure what the lower instrument is. The viewing boxes show various magnification of the eclipse in progress. This photo was damaged and someone used white-out to try to fix it.

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1932 Eclipse #02

D.B. Marsh is seated in front of the group.

RASC Hamilton Centre—1932 Eclipse
Scanned by Colin Haig
These slides are from the August 31st, 1932 solar eclipse expedition in Acton Vale, Quebec. There was an 8mm film that somebody (no idea who) transferred key frames to 35mm slides. I am not sure when actually that transfer was done or when the slides were developed. I scanned these (2006-02-11 through 2006-04-06) using a NIKON Coolscan V ED at highest resolution.

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