1932 Eclipse #21

Uncover the scope.

RASC Hamilton Centre—1932 Eclipse
Scanned by Colin Haig
These slides are from the August 31st, 1932 solar eclipse expedition in Acton Vale, Quebec. There was an 8mm film that somebody (no idea who) transferred key frames to 35mm slides. I am not sure when actually that transfer was done or when the slides were developed. I scanned these (2006-02-11 through 2006-04-06) using a NIKON Coolscan V ED at highest resolution.

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1932 Eclipse #20

Professor W.M. Findlay of McMaster University and Mr. W.S. Mallory, Science Master of Delta Collegiate Institute take important parts.

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1932 Eclipse #19

Rev. D.B. Marsh calling out the time.

RASC Hamilton Centre—1932 Eclipse
Scanned by Colin Haig
These slides are from the August 31st, 1932 solar eclipse expedition in Acton Vale, Quebec. There was an 8mm film that somebody (no idea who) transferred key frames to 35mm slides. I am not sure when actually that transfer was done or when the slides were developed. I scanned these (2006-02-11 through 2006-04-06) using a NIKON Coolscan V ED at highest resolution.

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1932 Eclipse #18

Every phase is anticipated and the required operations of each member correctly timed...

RASC Hamilton Centre—1932 Eclipse
Scanned by Colin Haig
These slides are from the August 31st, 1932 solar eclipse expedition in Acton Vale, Quebec. There was an 8mm film that somebody (no idea who) transferred key frames to 35mm slides. I am not sure when actually that transfer was done or when the slides were developed. I scanned these (2006-02-11 through 2006-04-06) using a NIKON Coolscan V ED at highest resolution.

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1932 Eclipse #17

Checking the instruments.

RASC Hamilton Centre—1932 Eclipse
Scanned by Colin Haig
These slides are from the August 31st, 1932 solar eclipse expedition in Acton Vale, Quebec. There was an 8mm film that somebody (no idea who) transferred key frames to 35mm slides. I am not sure when actually that transfer was done or when the slides were developed. I scanned these (2006-02-11 through 2006-04-06) using a NIKON Coolscan V ED at highest resolution.

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1932 Eclipse #16

Keeping time, checking atmospheric conditions. Lucky horseshoe magnet on the post?

RASC Hamilton Centre—1932 Eclipse
Scanned by Colin Haig
These slides are from the August 31st, 1932 solar eclipse expedition in Acton Vale, Quebec. There was an 8mm film that somebody (no idea who) transferred key frames to 35mm slides. I am not sure when actually that transfer was done or when the slides were developed. I scanned these (2006-02-11 through 2006-04-06) using a NIKON Coolscan V ED at highest resolution.

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1932 Eclipse #15

Running to capture the eclipse.

RASC Hamilton Centre—1932 Eclipse
Scanned by Colin Haig
These slides are from the August 31st, 1932 solar eclipse expedition in Acton Vale, Quebec. There was an 8mm film that somebody (no idea who) transferred key frames to 35mm slides. I am not sure when actually that transfer was done or when the slides were developed. I scanned these (2006-02-11 through 2006-04-06) using a NIKON Coolscan V ED at highest resolution.

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1932 Eclipse #14

Running into position. Primitive tent in the background.

RASC Hamilton Centre—1932 Eclipse
Scanned by Colin Haig
These slides are from the August 31st, 1932 solar eclipse expedition in Acton Vale, Quebec. There was an 8mm film that somebody (no idea who) transferred key frames to 35mm slides. I am not sure when actually that transfer was done or when the slides were developed. I scanned these (2006-02-11 through 2006-04-06) using a NIKON Coolscan V ED at highest resolution.

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1932 Eclipse #13

RASC Hamilton Centre—1932 Eclipse
Scanned by Colin Haig
These slides are from the August 31st, 1932 solar eclipse expedition in Acton Vale, Quebec. There was an 8mm film that somebody (no idea who) transferred key frames to 35mm slides. I am not sure when actually that transfer was done or when the slides were developed. I scanned these (2006-02-11 through 2006-04-06) using a NIKON Coolscan V ED at highest resolution.

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1932 Eclipse #12

RASC Hamilton Centre—1932 Eclipse
Scanned by Colin Haig
These slides are from the August 31st, 1932 solar eclipse expedition in Acton Vale, Quebec. There was an 8mm film that somebody (no idea who) transferred key frames to 35mm slides. I am not sure when actually that transfer was done or when the slides were developed. I scanned these (2006-02-11 through 2006-04-06) using a NIKON Coolscan V ED at highest resolution.

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