Note: pp. 35/36 and 37/38 were bound in duplicate in this edition.


Previous to 1912 the times of sunrise and sunset were given for a small number of selected places in the standard time of each place. On account of the arbitrary correction which must be made to the mean time of any place in order to get its standard time, the tables prepared for a particular place are of little use anywhere else. In order to remedy this the times of sunrise and sunset have been calculated for places on five different latitudes covering the populous part of Canada, (pages 10 to 21) and the way to use these tables at a large number of towns and cities is explained on pages 8 and 9. This feature proved to be a very satisfactory improvement and is continued this year. In the present issue the chief changes consist in (1) a complete revision of pages dealing with the constellations, a number of double stars, nebulae and clusters suitable for small instruments being added, and (2) a brief sketch of recent progress in Astronomy.

These and other minor improvements, it is hoped, will commend themselves. Suggestions are invited regarding further means of rendering the little book what it is intended to be, A Handbook for the Amateur.

In addition to those whose names appear in the body of the work the Editor is indebted to Mr. R. M. Stewart, of the Dominion Astronomical Observatory, Ottawa, who prepared the “ Astronomical Phenomena ” on the odd pages from 23 to 45.

The Editor.
Toronto, December, 1912.

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