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New Meteor Shower Expected Friday, May 23

Colin Haig, 1st Vice President of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, was interviewed May 23 on CTV News Channel about the new meteor shower tonight!

Please click on this link for the interview:




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Celebrate International Astronomy Day! Saturday, May 10

Toronto, Canada (May 6, 2014) – Members of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) and its 29 local RASC Centres will celebrate International Astronomy Day this Saturday, May 10, 2014. Be on the lookout for telescopes and astronomers to pop up unexpectedly on street corners, in shopping malls and other public places, ready and eager to bring the universe down to Earth for everyone!

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The Sky This Month - May 2014

Planning An Observing Session, Plus A Surprise Shower !!!

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Total lunar eclipse, Mars close approach tonight

Celestial event peaks at 3:45 a.m. ET April 15

Read the CBC interview with the RASC 1st Vice President, Colin Haig


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The Sky This Month - April 2014

Red Planet, Red Moon

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Registration is now open for the 2014 GA

Join the RASC Victoria Centre this June 26th – June 29th, as we host the 2014 General Assembly.

The General Assembly is an exciting once-a-year event that brings together RASC members from coast-to-coast to participate in the Society's annual general meeting and discuss some of the world's great astronomical activities.

Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in an exciting line-up of events including:

-  wide-ranging scientific and cultural programs for your entire family;

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In 2013, the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada made major changes to its governance structure to come into line with the provisions of the Canada Not for Profit Corporations Act. As of the Thunder Bay General Assembly in 2013, a board of directors is responsible for the running of the RASC, replacing the National Council.

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Special Ottawa Centre Night

The Ottawa Centre is extremely happy to announce a very special night. Join us online on Friday March 7 at 8 p.m. EST as our special guest speakers will be:

Dr. Sarah Symons, McMaster University with her talk entitled “Astronomical Maps and Tables from Ancient Egyptian Tombs and Temples”  and

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The Sky This Month - March 2014

Hydra The Water Serpent

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Kingston Centre Special Event - Thu 2013-02-13 at 7:00 p.m.

Pictures of Other Worlds: Directly Imaging Extrasolar Planets

Dr. Bruce Macintosh (Stanford University and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California) will speak on directly imaging extrasolar planets.

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