Jim Low

Jupiter 196004190921

Jupiter on Apr 18/19 at 04:21+13m local time (09:21 UT) as sketched by Jim Low. C.M.(1) 103º, C.M.(2) 203º. 4" reflector at 130x. Seeing 2. Transparency 4. North is down. Seeing was better than 2 for a few seconds at a time.

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Jupiter 196004160923

Jupiter on 1960 April 15/16 at 04:23+14m EST (09:23 UT) as sketched by Jim Low. C.M.(1) 351º, C.M.(2) 114º. 4" reflector at 167x. Seeing 5. Transparency 4. North is down, east is to the right.

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Jupiter 196004160805

Jupiter on 1960 April 15/16 at 03:05+12m EST (08:05 UT) as sketched by Jim Low. C.M.(1) 303º, C.M.(2) 66º. 4" reflector at 167x. Seeing 4. Transparency 4. North is down, east to the right.

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Jupiter 196004160633

Jupiter on 1960 April 15/16 at 01:33+15m EST (06:33 UT) as sketched by Jim Low. C.M.(1) 247º, C.M.(2) 11º. 4" reflector at 167x. Seeing 3. Transparency 3. North is down, east is to the right.

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Jupiter 196004080924

Jupiter on 1960 April 7/8 at 04:24+7m EST (09:24 UT) as sketched by Jim Low. C.M.(1) 266º, C.M.(2) 350º. 4" reflector at 167x. Seeing 6. Transparency 5. North is down, east to the right. The black spot in the north-west is probably the shadow of satellite III (Ganymede).

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Jupiter 196003250914

Jupiter on 1960 March 25/26 at 04:14+12m EST (09:14 UT) as sketched by Jim Low. C.M.(1) 269º, C.M.(2) 192º. 4" reflector at 167x. Seeing 6. Transparency 4½. I have never seen better seeing than this around Montreal.

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Venus 196104091740

Venus on 1961 April 9 at 12:40 + 15m EST (17:40 UT) as sketched by Jim Low. 4" reflector at 130x. Seeing 3-4. Transparency 0-5 (some clouds). This observation was made about 30 hours before inferior conjunction (daytime observation).

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Venus 196012272047

Venus on 1960 December 27 at 15:47 + 10m EST (20:47 UT) as sketched by Jim Low. 4" reflector at 167x. Seeing 3. Transparency 4. The Sun was a few degrees above the horizon during the observation.

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Venus 196104091005

Venus on 1961 April 9 at 05:05 + 11m EST (10:05 UT) as sketched by Jim Low. 4" reflector at 130x. Seeing 2. Transparency 3. This is an unusual observation. Venus was still east of the sun (an "evening star"), but was visible in the morning before sunrise. This is because it was well north of the sun in declination. Venus was only 9º from the sun. This observation was made 38 hours before inferior conjunction.

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Venus 196102122207

Venus on 1961 February 12/13 at 17:07 + 10m EST (22:07 UT) as sketched by Jim Low. 4" refractor at 167x. Seeing 5. Transparency 4.

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