• Typing part or all of a name in the quick search box allows you to quickly find a particular asteroid.
  • Clicking on the asteroid number will take you to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's orbit applet.
  • Clicking on any asteroid name will show you full information about that asteroid, including an expanded citation.
  • Clicking on the asteroid designation will take you to the IAU MPC page for that asteroid.
  • Clicking on a table heading will sort by that column (click again to reverse that sort).
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Numbersort ascending Name Designation Discovery Discoverer Observatory
20888 Siyueguo 2000 WB14 2000-11-20 LINEAR Socorro
20883 Gervais 2000 VD58 2000-11-03 LINEAR Socorro
20856 Hamzabari 2000 VT28 2000-11-11 LINEAR Socorro
20855 Arifawan 2000 VV27 2000-11-11 LINEAR Socorro
20818 Karmadiraju 2000 TQ54 2000-10-01 LINEAR Socorro
20789 Hughgrant 2000 SU44 2000-09-28 Juels, C.W. Fountain Hills
20593 Freilich 1999 RM180 1999-09-09 LINEAR Socorro
20106 Morton 1995 QG 1995-08-20 Balam, D.D. Victoria
20047 DavidSuzuki 1993 FD18 1993-03-17 UESAC La Silla (809)
20046 Seronik 1993 FE15 1993-03-17 UESAC La Silla (809)


Displaying 281 - 290 of 633 asteroids (page 29 of 64).