• Typing part or all of a name in the quick search box allows you to quickly find a particular asteroid.
  • Clicking on the asteroid number will take you to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's orbit applet.
  • Clicking on any asteroid name will show you full information about that asteroid, including an expanded citation.
  • Clicking on the asteroid designation will take you to the IAU MPC page for that asteroid.
  • Clicking on a table heading will sort by that column (click again to reverse that sort).
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Number Namesort ascending Designation Discovery Discoverer Observatory
10086 McCurdy 1990 SZ 1990-09-16 H. E. Holt Palomar
10059 McCullough 1988 FS2 1988-03-21 Bulgarian National Observatory Smolyan
14463 McCarter 1993 GA1 1993-04-15 Spacewatch Kitt Peak
5132 Maynard 1990 ME 1990-06-22 Holt, H.E. Palomar
100940 Maunder 1998 MM47 1998-06-28 Elst, E.W. ESO
15531 Matusch 2000 AV99 2000-01-05 LINEAR Socorro (704)
25038 Matebezdek 1998 QK37 1998-08-17 LINEAR Socorro
15528 Martinsmedina 2000 AJ10 2000-01-03 LINEAR Socorro (704)
12136 Martinryle 3045 P-L 1960-09-24 van Houten, C.J. et al. Palomar
6115 Martinduncan 1984 SR2 1984-09-25 Skiff, B.A. Anderson Mesa


Displaying 241 - 250 of 633 asteroids (page 25 of 64).