• Typing part or all of a name in the quick search box allows you to quickly find a particular asteroid.
  • Clicking on the asteroid number will take you to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's orbit applet.
  • Clicking on any asteroid name will show you full information about that asteroid, including an expanded citation.
  • Clicking on the asteroid designation will take you to the IAU MPC page for that asteroid.
  • Clicking on a table heading will sort by that column (click again to reverse that sort).
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Number Namesort descending Designation Discovery Discoverer Observatory
24899 Dominiona 1997 AU17 1997-01-14 Aikman, G.C.L. Victoria
20022 DonTown 1991 VO7 1991-11-03 Spacewatch Kitt Peak (691)
10045 Dorarussell 1985 RJ3 1985-09-06 H. Debehogne La Silla
13405 Dorisbillings 1999 ST1 1999-09-21 Billings, G. W. Calgary
20029 Dorner 1992 EB24 1992-03-02 UESAC La Silla (809)
15359 Dressler 1995 GV2 1995-04-02 Spacewatch Kitt Peak
33508 Drewnik 1999 GH25 1999-04-06 LINEAR Socorro
4389 Durbin 1976 GL3 1976-04-01 Chernykh, N.S. Nauchnyj
78434 Dyer 2002 QL58 2002-08-17 Lowe, A. Palomar
10271 Dymond 1980 TV2 1980-10-14 Henri Debehogne, L. Houziaux Haute Provence (511)


Displaying 171 - 180 of 633 asteroids (page 18 of 64).