Past Honorary Members

Honorary Membership was limited to 10 from 1890-1900, and to 15 from 1901 onwards. Corresponding Membership was a lesser class of Honoris causa membership in the early years. A few honorary members, such as Barnard, were first made corresponding members for a short time before being recommissioned as honorary members.

Nation(s) Startsort ascending End
Hawking, Dr. Stephen W. England 1985 2018
Bateson, Dr. Frank M. New Zealand 1984 2006
Baldwin, Dr. Ralph Belknap USA 1980 2011
Sandage, Dr. Allan R. USA 1975 2010
Dollfus, Dr. Audouin C. France 1975 2011
Goldberg, Dr. Leo USA 1974 1988
Ryle, Sir Martin United Kingdom 1973 1983
Iwanowska, Dr. Wilhelmina Poland 1973 1999
van de Hulst, Prof. Hendrik Netherlands 1968 2000
Strömgren, Prof. Bengt G. Denmark 1968 1987
