Revised Vision, Mission, and Values Statements

At the 2015 February 9 Board of Director's meeting, revised Vision, Mission, and Values statements were approved. They now read:

The RASC Vision To be Canada's premiere organization of amateur and professional astronomers, promoting Astronomy to all.

The RASC Mission To enhance understanding of and inspire curiosity about the Universe, through public outreach, education, and support for astronomical research.

The RASC Values

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Asteroid (635381) Michaelcoates

Michael da Silva Coates (1942-2014) was a college friend of the discoverer. After graduating from St Andrews University in Scotland, he worked as a Clinical Psychologist helping countless children deal with the trauma of broken homes and abusive upbringing. He loved music and had a successful hobby recording choirs and orchestras in Canada and Shetland.

Reference WGSBN Bulletin, Volume 4, Number 13, page 21

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JRASC August 2024

Inside this issue:

  • Signatures of Cosmic Deceleration
  • Helen Sawyer Hogg’s Globular Cluster Research
  • Why the Dominion Observatory Lens was Replaced
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Annual Report 2023

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JRASC June 2024

Inside this issue:

  • Venus as seen by the Mayas
  • The Noctilucent Cloud Observing Program of Michael Noble
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Asteroid (209206) Richardhenry

Richard Conn Henry (b. 1940) is an American Academy Professor at the Johns Hopkins University specializing in far ultra-violet observations. He directs NASA's Maryland Space Grant Consortium and is a former Deputy Director of NASA's Astrophysics Division. He works with the New Horizons Science Team to use the spacecraft for astrophysical investigations.
B.Sc. University College, University of Toronto and RASC Gold Medal 1961
University of Toronto M.Sc. Thesis 'Spectrophotometry of globular clusters' 1962, Ph.D. Princeton 1967

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(209883) Jasonhofgartner

Jason D. Hofgartner (b. 1988) is a Canadian planetary scientist. He served as a science team graduate student researcher on NASA's New Horizons mission to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt.

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JRASC April 2024

Inside this issue:

  • Cosmological Redshift without Expanding Space
  • SN 2023ixf in the Galaxy Messier 101
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