GA 1976

1976 - Calgary ga1976logo.jpg

May 21 - 24

  • Chair: ?
  • Attendance: Not available
  • Ruth Northcott Lecturer: J.L. Locke (The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope)
  • Papers:
    1. A Planetary and Lunar Astrophotography Exposure Guide, G. N. Patterson (Saskatoon)
    2. Burnham’s Binaries: Some Historical Comments, P. Teece (Victoria)
    3. Magnitudes, Photons and the Eye, R.L. Bishop (Halifax)
    4. The Sky Brightness Programme and the Growth of Light Pollution, R. Pike (Toronto) JRASC
    5. Diagonal Mirrors, Peters et al
    6. The Use of a “Flat Star Globe” or Cylindrical Astrolabe, L. D. Bogan (Halifax)
    7. Application of the Photoelectric Photometer in Amateur Astronomy, D. Somers (Ottawa)
    8. Using Compass and Protractor to Locate Planets, J.D. Jones (Victoria)
    9. The Film “Communing with the Heavens”, Mary W. Grey (Ottawa)
    10. The Total Solar Eclipse of 1979 February 26, J.E. Kennedy (Saskatoon)
    11. Photoelectric Photometry with a Small Telescope, C.D. Scarfe (Victoria)

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